Friday, May 16, 2008

The Working Nights Blues

Working the night shift. Need I say more? To those who have worked graveyard perhaps not. To those who have not had the privilege not sure I can convey the feelings.

Oh well, slept a bit since I don't have to work tonight and then woke up. When I work nights I don't see my rabbits as much as other days. My husband and children do the daily chores. Today, I went out and hung out with the buns. Always grounds me and makes me feel peaceful. Did a bit of grooming. My FA babies are almost 7 weeks old. Jett weighs 2 lbs. 14 ounces and Baruka is 2 lbs 6 ounces. Their wool is lovely. I used the blower on them for the first time today. They didn't freak. Then I tackled Obsidian. He has a bare spot on his left side. No evidence of mites, no flaking. Skin looks great and he is growing in some more hair. Then Thor. He was under guard so he couldn't make another great escape. He has lovely wool that is not quite ready to pluck. Had a few matts around his rear area that came out easily.

Then I tattooed the babies. They tolerated it well. I used some essential oils to numb the ear first. They had minimal bleeding and did not scream when I clamped down. Not my favorite chore but am getting better at it.

It is hot here today. 76 degrees in the bunny house. They seem to be doing alright though.

My older daughter comes home from college for the summer tomorrow. It is hard to believe that she has finished one year already. She seemed to enjoy it. My youngest is graduating from 6th grade on Wednesday. She is in a catholic school that only goes to 6th grade so she will move onto public school next year. I worry about her adjustment but I must trust that it will work out.

One of our dogs dug into my knitting bag and chewed up my favorite pair of knitting needles. I am working on socks. Making both at the same time. Luckily, for her, she did not chew the actual knitting...just the needles. She is in the dog house with me.

Well, think I will do some knitting, get supper and relax. Have the weekend off and have a lot of plans for outside.

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